Thursday, January 7, 2010

I have no images

Strange to title my post this way...because my week has been BRIM FULL of images that I am bursting at the edges to share. This art therapy class that I am taking has inspired an over flow of work. It is an amazing experience to work in a studio with other artists. Making art while others are making art is like doing yoga with others in a class. It has a totally different energy then when making art or doing yoga by myself. I am inspired and energized and I want to bottle it up and take it home with me!
  You can see it in the faces of all the images we are making. Over the course of the week our images have become more fascinating, deeper and all seem to be feeding off of each other. As a class we are addressing themes of struggle, of witnessing one another, of art-making as performance, and so much more. It is my hope to spend time integrating these themes more when I get home and over the next few weeks.
And when I reunite with my camera cord, I will share some of the colorful brewing that has filled my creative cup this week.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

So glad the flow is going so happily! Enjoy the creative energy! Happy Weekend :o)


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