Friday, April 2, 2010

5 Random Things


I've been sort of on the down and out this week...some sort of cold-type thing has humbled me into submission to lay low. One moment I am thinking I am feeling better and I get up to get something done and find a few minutes later that I need to lay down again. So this is why its been so very quiet over here at Art Asana....but I'm flying on the high of a few minutes of feeling better (although I can already feel the creepy hands of cold chill and the achy-ness in the core of my bones begin to strengthen and the couch calling my name) and wanted to post my 5 random things here, with the inspiration of a sick week lapping their heels, my 5 random things:

1. Butt-Kicking: Over on facebook, Anusara yoga teacher Amy Ippoliti offers a 30 day Tigress Challenge each month with a new pose. I am thinking about joining in on this one! The challenge is to do Vaisthiasana, side angle pose every day for one minute (on each side I'm presuming?). Ironically, this is my least favorite pose, so I'm not sure how its going to go...perhaps I will learn to love it? Planning to start as soon as I'm feeling up for it or Monday, which ever comes first!


2. Book: I've been on a reading frenzy over here has been an intricate part of the down and out process....but I've read some great books in the past couple of weeks! Here they are in order of reading: The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai (takes place in Himalayan India and tells a deliciously written story about life post Indian Independence)

3. Book: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseni (I read this book in a day because I literally could not put it down until it was was breathtaking)

4. Books: Little Bee by Chris Cleave (I don't know how to summarize this book in one sentence, but lets just leave it that I am still thinking about the characters of this amazing story). Currently, I am reading Waking the Global Heart by Andoea Judith (non-fiction account of the state of our world and the hope for it) and Midnight's Children by Salmon Rushdie is in queue. Have you read any great books lately?

5. Birds: Recently, I've been making dozens of birds. Origami paper cranes to be exact. I made 38 last week and brought them as decoration to my friend's bridal shower and had guests write little notes on the wings for her. We then pasted them to the wall. I learned to make these birds in elementary school from a japanese woman who lived with my family for 5 months. I've been making them ever since and find the clean folding in and opening out and folding in and opening out a very meditative process. Perhaps I should look more into the significance of these birds....


Wishing you all a happy, healthy weekend! I hope to be back (healthy and 100% myself) on Monday for a Creative Meditation!



brandi said...

i l♥♥♥ve origami...i learned during the holidays how to make a bow and gave them as gifts!! my cranes still need some perfecting...but i find it to be a very soothing practice...relaxing and calming and yet creating something so magical...well wishes and brightest blessings~

Faith said...

Beautiful pictures of your origami birds and I like that story of how you learned to make them. I have been wanting to read A Thousand Splendid Suns for a while, maybe you will inspire me to do it!

Anonymous said...

I just read Little Bee a few weeks back when it was recommended to me at a conference. I should also read Midnight's Children because Rushde will be the keynote speaker at another conference I am going to in May. I've tried to read his books before... I've owned "Satanic Versus" for years, and have tried to start it dozens of times, but something about the writing turns me off. Although I read his non-fiction book about Nicaragua (Jaguar Smile), and that was pretty good. Maybe you can help inspire me.

I hope you feel better soon!!!


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