Thursday, September 30, 2010

Inspired by...

Today in my yoga class, I taught about an idea I saw tweeted yesterday by a yoga teacher named BJ Galvan. She said,

"rooted in love, you can overcome anything."

What a beautiful statement! Inspired, I decided to make a colorful, autumnal celebration of that idea as an etsy treasury. Looking at all this beautiful work reminded me to root myself in the beauty of the natural world and the things that I love!

Screen shot 2010-10-14 at 4.10.23 PM

When we root down, we plug into the current of grace. So this is what I am working on today. Plugging in to reconnect to those those place I'm feeling a little disconnected (which right in this moment are my art making and the part of me that expresses my creativity freely). In my teacher training, I remember hearing the phrase "a tree is only as full as it's roots are deep." So, I'm breathing into my roots to remember my fullness.

How are you getting rooted today?

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