This week my blog has been pretty yoga heavy, but really that is a reflection of my life this week: yoga-full! I just got back from teaching my last class of the week and I'm ready for a nap! I really do love this teaching thing. I get so riled up about yoga and the alignment and themes in my classes. So emphatic and energized, that I light up like a firefly! I get more excited talking about yoga than I do about just about anything else I might talk to people about (yup, even more than art-making, although that would definitely be a close second!) My students might even think I'm a bit crazy because of it. Hopefully they find it endearing.
Luckily, I'm not alone in my enthusiasm. Recently, I've gotten a lot of inspiration and enjoyment out of reading yoga blogs. I've listed some other ones in a
past post, but here are five new ones that I've been enjoying:
1. Yoga G33K
I love the quirky, down to earth approach to yoga talk and life at Yoga G33K, which they pronounce yoga "geek". Right away I felt at home visiting this blog. Plus, I have a little bit of blog envy about her snazzy wordpress theme background!
2. Bernie Birney
Bernie is a certified Anusara Yoga teacher and I find out about her blog via the Anusara Facebook newsfeed (a inspiring source of quotes and information, if your feeling like a new FB friend). Bernie makes me laugh, she's a slight bit sarcastic, and was once called an "anti-yoga teacher" (as she says in
today's post), yet she still hits on deep, fundamental, life-altering truths in a way that is real, raw and absolutely beautiful. She's also just recently committed to writing on her blog daily. So I will be committing to reading it daily!
3. Bay Shakti
Another Anusara yoga resource (I can't help it, I love Anusara!), Bay Shakti is a blog that is actually dedicated to the Anusara community in the "Bay Area" of San Francisco. It features interviews with teachers from the Bay area and discusses events that are going on there. Even though I live quite far from the Bay area (give or take 2,000 miles), I still enjoy what they have to offer! I'm even going to use their most
recent interview with teacher Darcy Lyon about her art and it's relation to yoga, in my graduate study research!
4. Naturally Nina
Naturally Nina was introduced to me by a friend from college (and reader of this blog---Hi K!). Nina, just married the brother of another guy my friend and I know from St. Lawrence. (It's like one of those sixth degrees of separation kind of things). She also happens to have a beautiful blog where she writes about her life and yoga practice. She just recently completed a yoga teacher training at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health (another place that I have deep love and respect for---but that's another story for another day). She writes in these beautiful little snap shops, a few sentences that paint a whole picture! (This is a quality I would like to develop in my own blog writing!)
5. Neesha's Blog
Neesha Zollinger's Blog is a brand new blog (She started September 17th!), but I can't wait to see where she goes with it. So far, she's shared some insights into Anusara yoga in a beautiful, poetic way. She is a fabulous teacher and a warm, engaging writer, so I'm exited to follow along with her on this new blogging adventure. Neesha was my very first Anusara yoga teacher when I lived out in Jackson Hole, WY. I had no idea then what an impact this yoga would have on my life. No idea that it was the beginning of something magical. I am grateful to Neesha for introducing it to me.
So that's it!
Happy Reading! Happy Friday! Happy Weekend!
P.S I have decided to implement a new format for my newsletter, making it short, sweet and weekly. And of course whenever change presents itself, instinctually, I want to run and hide. Fear streaks through me and I procrastinate like crazy. I've been meaning to write the newsletter all week, but I keep holding myself back. But today, I'm going for it.
I'm stating it here on the blog, that by 8am this evening, my newsletter will be in your inbox!
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Five Yoga Blogs That Rock!