Friday, February 26, 2010
Five Random Things

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Playing with Poses

Playing with Poses
Monday, February 22, 2010
Creativity Meditation Monday

Creativity Meditation Monday
Friday, February 19, 2010
Five Random Things

Five Random Things
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Trees, Spring and Yoga homework

Each spring, we begin to recognize that trees have this vitality, this sweet inner essence that is lively pulsating through them. In a few more weeks, we’ll begin to notice little green buds starting to quietly emerge on the branches. Trees have deep roots, that go down into the earth and these roots, pull energy up into the core of the tree. The bark hugs onto the tree in concentric circles and this protects the sap the runs through the tree. From it’s trunk, from the very marrow of the tree, it grows and extends out and upwards with its branches each year. We start noticing this each spring, when the trees around us start to shine out with little green buds that eventually burst forth in full celebration of leaves. This pulsation that is happening with the tree, of drawing in through the roots and bark and then shining out through the branches and buds is happening inside of each of us too. We too can draw in and plug into our own sweet vitality and then shine that out in a great celebration of our lives. Yoga helps us to become aware of this pulsation, this spanda. It teaches us that our true nature is this sweet and pure essence and that we can celebrate that by drawing into it and shining it out.
I'm going to go celebrate the idea of spring by eating a warm weather fruit (a pomelo) and going to a hot yoga class.
Happy Shining!

Trees, Spring and Yoga homework
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Music and Yoga

Music and Yoga
Monday, February 15, 2010
Creativity Meditation Monday
This Monday, I invite you to take some time out to attune to your own heart and have a little creative fun and nourish yourself with today’s Creativity Meditation (which is approximately 7 minutes long!). In the first few minutes of the mediation, we will take time to quiet the breath and then, you will be invited to pick up your paint brush and paint in concert with the movement of your breath.
First, gather together the supplies you will want to have for this meditation:
1. water color paper
2. watercolor or fluid acrylic paints (and a palette of some sort to put the paint on!)
3. a paint brush
4. a cup of water and paper towels
Now, find a comfortable place to sit where you can be quiet and still and listen to this podcast. Place your supplies neatly in front of you. Now we are ready to start!

Creativity Meditation Monday
Thursday, February 11, 2010

I love going out there and opening my arms to the expansiveness of the sky and to the way the ocean seems to be pulsing like a heartbeat.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Inspiration Board

Inspiration Board
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Spring, is that you?

Spring, is that you?
Monday, February 1, 2010
